(If you can't tell I'm super excited about this!)
I have been studying/ cramming like crazy for my test which is the biggest reason for my silence this past week, but now it is over and I passed!!! :) :) :) Its a huge relief to know that when I'm ready next year I will be admitted directly into module 2 and not have to retake this module. So for our test we had to create dialogue based on some pictures of stick figures with thought bubbles that contained one word and we had to come up with either the question or the answer and our instructor did the other side. So for example one stick figure would say "cykel" and the other would say "10 mdr." and from that we had to come up with the questions "Hvor længe har du haft sin ckyel?"/ "Jeg har haft min ckyel i ti måned." We had a page of these to do with maybe 20 variations, the other half of our exam was to memorize 5 stories (3 from the text and 2 that we told about ourselves) and when we got to the exam we picked a number at random and had to tell the corresponding story... So needless to say I was extremely stressed yesterday trying to review everything from the last 5 weeks plus memorizing 5 stories! But everything went well this morning, except that I froze a little bit when he first handed me the page of "sticky men" as he refers to them! But once we got started and I relaxed a bit I was fine and he apparently thought so too or at least enough so that he passed me! Woo-Hoo!!!
With that behind me I was able to focus on decorating the apartment for a baby shower I threw for one of my classmates- Yana! :) Klaus had helped me clean the apartment and prep the food (and he baked the cake!) last night while listening to me go over and over the stories for my test. So after the test another girl from my class came over and helped me put up all the decorations! :) I always love doing crafty things and we were both so incredibly relieved to have the test over that it made for a very fun afternoon. Some more of the girls, including the mommy-to-be, came over this afternoon and we had a really nice time just sitting and chatting and relaxing for a few hours! I think the baby shower was a big success and I think Yana had a really good time which was the important thing to me! :)
Congrats Yana! :) |
The Food! The rainbow fruit and dip, popcorn, chocolate dipped marshmallows, and the CAKE! |
One of the many hand-made signs I did! |
Gifts for Baby Raphael! (the brown sweater is what I made for him) |
The girls! |
And now I am totally wiped out and ready to crash so Klaus said we could have a nice quiet evening watching tv and just relaxing or as the danes would say "ser fjernsyn og hygger derhjemme"
I hope everyone had a good weekend and a good start to the new week!